Environment Portfolio Examples
Explore this selection of handpicked portfolios built with Journo Portfolio. The range of themes means all portfolios are different.
AllVideographerVideo EditorTranslatorSocial Media ManagerReporterProofreaderPoetPodcasterPhotographerMusicianModelJournalistInterior DesignerIllustratorHair & Makeup ArtistGraphic DesignerFeature WriterFashion StylistEditorDeveloperDesignerCreative WriterCopywriterContent CreatorBroadcasterBloggerAuthorArtistArchitectAnimator
Nellie de Goguel
Award-winning writer, producer, editor, presenter, VO artist climate | sustainability | oceans | food | cannabis +
View PortfolioSanskrita Bharadwaj
Sanskrita is an independent journalist reporting on social justice, human rights, politics, culture, and occasionally on health and environment. She is based in Guwahati, Assam.
View PortfolioKUNAL SHARAD
Writer, copywriter, content designer, and campaigner working in the social impact, climate change, and creative sectors.
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