Republika Online

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Firdhausy Amelia

Content Writer and Social Media Optimize Mengawali karir sebagai content writer sejak tahun 2020, kemudian di tahun berikutnya menjajaki sebagai social media optimize yang berhasil membuat rancangan konten berdasarkan platform …

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Khairina Felisha Bastian

A recent graduate from the International Relations major of Bina Nusantara University, with 3 years of experience in the field of journalism.

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Nur Hafizah

Here are the list of my SEO writings that have successfully landed on the google's 1st page. As a communication studies graduate, I'm proficient in content writing, SEO writing, and …

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Fatimah Azzahro

I'm a reliable journalist and content writer. Passionate in the world of humanity and strong interest in content creative.

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