
Letterboxd is a social platform for sharing your taste in film. Use it as a diary to record your opinion about films as you watch them, or just to keep track of films you’ve seen in the past. Rate, review and tag films as you add them. Find and follow your friends to see what they’re enjoying. Keep a watchlist of films you’d like to see, and create lists/collections on any topic.

Featured Writers

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Steve Baba

Steve Baba is an author and writer. He is a book, film, and music critic. Originally from California, he spends his time online and around the US. In addition to …

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Blaise Radley

Writer / Editor / Thesaurus userFor PR email: blaise.radley@hotmail.com

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a professional babbler about film + television.

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Rafael Barbosa

Escritor de artigos no âmbito de cinema e televisão. Escrita criativa e de guião. Olhar atento que esmiúça a importância de um só plano.

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Katie Andrews

My cinematic inspiration comes from exploitation and Euro cinema, particularly that of the 1970s, as well as the broader Horror genre. But first and foremost I am inspired to work …

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