
Letterboxd is a social platform for sharing your taste in film. Use it as a diary to record your opinion about films as you watch them, or just to keep track of films you’ve seen in the past. Rate, review and tag films as you add them. Find and follow your friends to see what they’re enjoying. Keep a watchlist of films you’d like to see, and create lists/collections on any topic.

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Aidan Lopez

20 year old student at CSUSB

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Nurreza Alfariz Nugraha

I'm Nurreza Alfariz Nugraha, born on June 25, 2001, from Indonesia, specifically Subang. While I'm currently immersed in my college studies of law, my heart truly belongs to the world …

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Vibhooti Tiwari

I am a content manager, editor and writer with a keen interest in cinema, sports, fitness, visual arts, photography, travel and culture, cooking, politics, veganism and philosophy.

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By Nurreza Alfariz Nugraha
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