Elephant Journal

The Elephant Journal is your guide to what we like to call ‘the mindful life’: yoga, organics, sustainability, genuine spirituality, conscious consumerism, fair fashion, the contemplative arts…

Featured Writers

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Catherine Babbitt

I'm a fiction writer, poet enthusiast, content writer, blog writer, ghostwriter, and short story dweller.

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Melanie Swan

Dubai based British newspaper journalist with over 20 years' experience in both the UK and UAE. I write on Middle East geopolitics, security, humanitarian issues and travel.

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Carissa Daniel

Spiritual Coach & Teacher 'Guiding you to live your bliss and to make your biggest impact.'

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My Portfolio

Hello! I'm Fiona, marketing/advertising enthusiast and fan of Hawaiian pizza. Originally from Minneapolis, I am now a six year East Coast resident. During those six years, I have gained experience …

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Persephone's Portfolio

A freelance journalist for the last 20 years, I have enjoyed success writing for the electronic dance community and printing businesses. I specialize in creative copy, copy editing, press releases, …

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Jacqueline Mayfield

I am a freelance writer that specializes in writing articles, blogs, website content, and newsletters.

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By Leigh Globisch
Elephant Journal
By Kanwal Mukhtar
Elephant Journal